Always Play with Your Dog

by margerat platt
(willington durham england)

Always play with your dog. It doesn't just make him fitter it will also socialize your dog.

If you have a Jack Russell tap it on the nose to show that the stranger is a nice person.

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Jan 13, 2013
Play with your Jack always
by: Deborah

You are 100% right I won 2 boy JRT,S and they are my world Elvis is my 5 YO and when we got him he was very very mean and would attack anything on a leash and Elvis was not socialized at all and I pet sit out of my home and over the years Elvis has changed so much and is very l We rescued another Jack and ever since we got Patch he is 2 Elvis is a completlty changed JRT lol lol So it is very true get and take your jack with you whereever you go it will be much better all the way around !!!

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