Adopting A Jack Russell?

by Lois

We are thinking of adopting a Jack Russell mix, however we have a 9 year old, 140lb. Rott/Shep mix and three cats. Do you think the pup would be a good mix if brought into our home young? We have a big yard and lots of energy...



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May 29, 2008
Bringing in another pet...
by: Laurie Ann Powell

Hi! We have two Jack Russell Terriers and they do well around our two cats. The female has a tendency to want to play with the cats and one will lightly wrestle with her, but the other lets her know he doesn't want to be bothered. You always take a chance when introducing a new pet into a group of animals that already have taken the alpha dog position, but it is worth a shot. I agree with the other person who commented, about how you should monitor the pets when they are all together, until you know that they get along and there won't be any problems. Good Luck! We just love this breed of dog, the Jack, and know you will too, if you decide to get one.

May 28, 2008
Adopting a Jack Russell?

Hi Lois,

Do you know what the mix is besides Jack Russell terrier? I'm sure you have heard that the Jack Russell usually has a high prey drive, meaning your cats could be prey and hurt or killed. Alot depends on the mix and disposition of the dog. Is this puppy a female? and what sex is the rottie? Just thinking because you bring in the dog as a puppy and it "grows up around cats" DOES NOT guarantee that your cats are safe. BUT there are some that do well with cats. It's a chance you have to decide that you want to take. I would never leave them alone loose unattended. I would crate train your new puppy and when you are not able to be there to monitor him/her, place her in her crate to be sure that when you return your house, cats and puppy are the same as when you left. Now the puppy will probably be fine with the Rottie. Good Luck and let us know how it goes and what you decide.

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