by Ric Rupnik
(eastern Pennsylvania, USA)
Mozart on the morning of May 22, 2012
Mozart had a happy life. He fathered almost 2 dozen puppies, and he was the most polite and considerate animal I've ever encountered. When feeding, he would always back away from the food when another of his JRT's approached wanting to eat. As a pup, I took him to work on the graveyard shift when I first got him. I'd do training and bonding with him in the middle of the night, him eating from his bowl and me, my "lunch" at 4 a.m. at a nearby picnic table. I'd fall asleep holding him at home at a deskchair after a long night at work, and wake up stiff, with his neck lying across mine. Odd that as a dog he did not know how to swim..I had to support him under his belly. He loved rawhide and pig ears, bananas, peanut butter, and cottage cheese (after he saw his "wife" Stanzy gobbling it down---earlier he seemed to dislike it). I took this photo in the morning of May 22, 2012. He showed no signs of trouble or distress. He lived a happy, wonderful life, 2 months shy of 12 years of age. He had had health issues during his life, but he remained pain free to the end. As you can see in the photo, he had cataracts which made him mostly blind, but, as with any doggy, his sense of smell more than compensated for this difficulty.