9 Year old Pug showing extreme skin problems.
by Dan Speidel
(Indian Rocks Beach, FL. 33785 U.S.)
The skin irritation on my 9 year old pug started presenting about 4-5 months ago. It started slowly, with a little itching, some redness, and a few sores (similar to mosquito bites) on his belly. Fast forward 5 months, and Bandit’s condition has worsened extensively. The itching that was originally isolated to his belly, and rear end has become somewhat omnipresent. Bandit’s paws are now extremely swollen, the redness, and nodules have spread (still remaining the same size) prodigiously throughout his body. Also, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the increasingly aberrant hot spots located at the base of his chest.
I would be extremely appreciative for any help regarding my pug. Though Bandit is not a Jack Russell, he seems to present many of the same symptoms. We have already taken him to a couple vets, spent plenty, he was given blood tests, and yet nobody seems to have any answers.
Bandit is fed a diet consisting of Chicken Soap (dry) brand dog food, as well as Nutra (wet) brand dog food twice daily. Added to those two servings are generally a small quantity of chicken breast, cooked hamburger, and sweet potato’s. Although, his condition is getting worse. We’re not seeing any weight loss, appetite loss, or lethargy.
He’s certainly part of the family, we love him very much, we would do anything to rid him of this predilection. He’s now wearing a collar that prevents him from itching, however, this redness worsens, including hair loss. Any help, suggestions, or possible causes would be so greatly appreciated.
Much Thanks,
Daniel Speidel