12 weeks too old of a puppy to buy?

by Alan

Hello, I am considering getting a JRT. He will be ready to be picked up at the kennel at week 8, however I will be abroad and wont be able to get him until week 12. Will he be too old already? Will I miss the "puppy" stage or is he still a puppy at week 12 when I get him? Thanks!

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Apr 23, 2009
by: Colleen

Oh my gosh - 12 weeks is NOT too old to receive your new puppy, and yes, they are very much still a "puppy". As long as you don't "go abroad" too much and leave it behind - Jack's get VERY attached to owners and they get very broken hearted when seperated from their owners.
My male Jack Russell is 8 years old and if I go away to work he will barely eat. If I take him away from home when we go on vacation he will barely eat.

They are very much a "dog of routine" and need things to be "constant and stable" in their homes!

I think at only 12 weeks, your life with your Baby Jack is just beginning! Enjoy.

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