My Dog has Separation Anxiety
What do Do
Help Your Jack Russell Terrier and other Dog Breeds Cope
With Separation
Despite its strong and exuberant personality, a Jack
Russell Terrier may suffer like other dog breeds. Remember the first
time you took home your new puppy? You
might have noticed him being restless and having sleepless nights. Some
people think that this behavior is just normal to puppies, being young
and new to the world.
But, have you ever heard of anxiety due to separation in
Yes, dogs can suffer from this condition just like humans. It is a
problem wherein a dog becomes stressed
because he is being left alone on his own. As social animal, a dog
always wants to be the center of his owner's attention and leaving him
behind will make him feel bad.
Dog Separation Anxiety Symptoms
Dogs will act out in a number of ways in response to dog
separation anxiety. Once a dog is having his separation
anxiety attack, he usually paces, whines, chews or scratches door and
window sills, commits accidents in housebreaking, barks without obvious
reason and just gets stressed out. Other signs of separation anxiety
include diarrhea, vomiting and constipation. These signs are often seen
when the owner is not around or when he is being neglected or kept away
from the owner.
The response can also be triggered by a a variety of
events such as only when you leave home for work, or every time someone
leaves the home.
- Destruction: (pillows, crates, carpet)
- Self Injury
- Attempts to escape the home
- Excessive barking or vocalization
- Urination in unwanted places (and defecation with
Dog Anxiety Diagnosis
It is helpful to video tape your dog when it is suffering from anxiety
so that you can show your veterinarian what occurs during these
episodes. This way the vet can differentiate the symptoms
from other possible causes such as normal behavior for your breed,
territorial behavior or play.
Based on the underlying cause, the veterinarian will recommendation
behavioral modification exercises, prescription or
approaches to dog anxiety.
Treating Dog Anxiety Treatment Options:
Separation anxiety may not pose life-threatening
diseases to your Jack Russell Terrier but this should be addressed
immediately so as not to prolong the anxiety feeling reducing tension.
There are many techniques that work best in addressing this anxiety
Doing physical activities is one good way. At least once
day, take your dog for a fast walk on a leash for fifteen to thirty
minutes long. Ten minutes of obedience training each day will do as
well. This will keep your Jack Russell Terrier's energetic body
working. Ignoring the dog for fifteen to twenty minutes before leaving
and twenty minutes upon your return helps reduce the tension your dog
feels when you are gone even for a week.
Teaching Your Dog to be Left Alone
- Approach #1: Reduce your dog's dependency
you by ignoring him for at least three weeks. Ignoring your dog means
you will not allow your dog to follow you around and you are not even
supposed to look, talk and touch your dog.
Ignoring your dog and trying to keep him away from you
can be a difficult situation for you and your dog. The sight of him
longing and begging for your attention is heartbreaking! But it's just
temporary... You don't have to feel guilty for neglecting him. Just
keep in mind that you are doing these things not because you do not
want him around but because you just want him to feel happy when you
are gone. You just want him to do his usual activities instead of
feeling miserable and lonely.
- Approach #2: Gradual Planned Departures. Preferably,
we like to gradually train a Jack Russell to
understand that you will return. Dogs in general have a poor sense of
time. They cannot differentiate between a one hour absence
and going away for a day.
Start by providing the toy and then desensitizing your dog to departure
clues such as getting your keys or opening the front door.
Start just by opening the door and not leaving.
Then open the door, get your keys etc. You may also
want to create a departure cure such as a air spray smell, or bell ring
or by dropping a towel or moving a rug just before you leave.
This approach conditions the dog to focus on an alternative
stimulus to you leaving. You could also provide a favorite
toy that distracts such as a Kong
Toy that uses hidden treats to engage your dog.
After desensitizing your dog to cues, start by leaving the house
for only a minute. Gradually increase the time over a couple of days to
10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes etc. Provide the toy each
time you are going to leave. Try to keep your leaving routine
the same, such as picking up the keys, providing the Kong toy etc.
Eventually, the Jack Russell Terrier separation anxiety
disappear as you leaving the home becomes part of the routine instead
of some type of perceived problem or punishment.
Anxiety Dog Medication Separation Approaches
There are several anxiety dog medication separation
approaches available. This includes medications such as Clomipramine
and Reconcile (never use at
the same time). There are also canine versions of the human drug Valium.
Homeopathic Supplement instead of Dog Anxiety Medicine
A newer alternative to dog anxiety medicine choices
prescribed by a veterinarian is the use of homeopathic supplements
formulated to support the nervous system. The idea behind
these types of supplements is to help the body's nervous system
naturally cope with stress. Specific natural ingredients such as
Hypericum and Chamomilla have some solid clinical support.
One product that combines these ingredients, Grief
and Pining Formula, is formulated specifically to address
separation anxiety in dogs. You can click the link to read
more, including the supporting clinical studies that support this
approach for separation
anxiety in dogs.
Dog Anxiety Wrap

A dog anxiety wrap provides pressure and acupressure. The approach
helps the dog feel more secure, reducing stress and anxiety.
Another approach with or without the use of any prescription or
homeopathic dog anxiety medicines is to use a dog
anxiety wrap. In this approach the wrap is placed on the dog,
providing pressure that helps to reduce fear and stress. It is highly
regarded by owners and helps with all forms of dog anxiety such as
nervousness, chewing, fear of people etc. It's worth a try as
it has been show to help with this problem.
Ask Your Questions to the "My Dog Has Separation Anxiety" Problem
Are you asking yourself the question what to do when "my dog has separation anxiety?" If yes, then ask your question here and our Vet and readers will answers.
Please be sure to include information that can help with the quality of the response, such as dog separation anxiety medicines or pills being taken, age, sex, breed, medical history and when the dog separation anxiety problem first started. Please include a picture if possible so we can get to know your dog.
We receive many requests so it may take some time to reply. If you need immediate help, we suggest using this online veterinary service that can answer your dog anxiety related questions now.
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Cussons, Discover more about the Jack Russell Terrier
Anxiety in Dogs, Dog Health Guide
Separation Anxiety in Dogs and Cats
Curtis, Terry Marie, DVM, MS, DACVB
College of Veterinary Medicine
University of Florida
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